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Surgical dermatology - Mole

Surgical dermatology is mainly useful in the resection (removal) of one or more lesions on the body. It also helps correct poor quality scars.

The lesions are divided into different groups and only the removal of these allows a precise diagnosis through laboratory analysis (anatomopathology)

When the lesion is benign, no special additional treatment is necessary; its removal is sufficient. When it presents a malignancy, additional treatments or more significant surgeries may be necessary.

In the case of a mole to be removed, only the laboratory will be able to confirm its specificity after removal.

Outpatient care in the office or at the Axium clinic allows small lesions on the face or body to be removed fairly quickly under local anesthesia if necessary.

A laboratory test is almost always requested.

This type of surgery is partially covered by health insurance and some mutual insurance companies. A quote will be presented to you during the consultation.

Analyse de laboratoire lésions de la peau
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