Profiloplasty is a hyaluronic acid injection technique that allows the profile to be reshaped in order to correct imperfections that bother patients.
Several areas can be treated together or separately:
- Medical rhinoplasty : This involves performing a series of injections at the root of the nose, the tip and the coulemella in order to camouflage the imperfections of the nasal hump or to raise the tip of the nose. They are performed using an anesthetic cream. The nose will therefore have a more pleasant appearance and its integration into the facial mass is more harmonious. This procedure can be followed after a year by a Rhinoplasty for a definitive result and more targeted on the anomalies of the nose.
- Medical chin plastic surgery or mentoplasty : thanks to the injection of high-density hyaluronic acid, it is possible to correct a receding or asymmetrical chin.
This is a simple and immediate procedure that allows the chin to be moved forward by a few millimeters in order to find a more pleasant and harmonious profile at the level of the facial mass. This procedure can be followed after a year by surgical plastic surgery for a definitive result.
-Increase in the volume of the cheekbones: to obtain prominent and repopulated cheekbones following weight loss or after aging. It is also possible to benefit from this type of injection in the context of flat cheekbones since birth. A set of injections targeted on the cheekbone will allow to advance the profile and obtain a more harmonious face. This procedure can be followed after a year by lipostructure for a definitive result.
Duration: The duration of a profiloplasty is approximately one year, the products used are completely resorbable ( hyaluronic acid )