Hand liposuction involves injecting fat into the back of the hands. This fat is taken using small cannulas from the stomach and inner thighs.
This reduces the sagging appearance of the skin on the back of the hands and improves its tone. The hands will appear younger and plumper.
The main goal of lipostructure is to restore volume lost over the years of aging.
The procedure is performed under general anesthesia. Recovery is rapid and postoperative pain is limited. Return to normal activities is after 15 days and the final results are present after 1 and a half months.
The presence of stem cells in the injected fat allows an improvement in the quality of the skin and deep wrinkles. This is due to a revitalizing action of the transferred stem cells.
After lipostructure, some mesotherapy applications allow a further improvement in the quality of the skin.
In order to improve the appearance of the skin, this technique can be combined with the action of peeling . The spots on the hands are therefore reduced and the hands appear younger.