LPG - Cellu M6 - Endermologie
A skin expert for over 30 years, LPG Endermolab is a highly effective solution for acting on different aspects of the figure and face.
Despite a healthy lifestyle and regular physical activity, cell activity slows down, causing an acceleration of fat storage.
Sometimes this storage increases due to a diet that is too rich, a sedentary lifestyle, or even stress.
The LPG technique, by stimulating natural lipolysis, helps to break down fats, particularly the most resistant ones.
The massage triggers a deep release of fat which will be eliminated by natural drainage.
In addition, the treatment tones skin stretched by weight loss using very specific maneuvers.
By stimulating the skin, the Endermolab technique also allows venous and lymphatic circulation to be naturally and painlessly restarted.
This treatment allows heavy legs to feel lighter immediately and lastingly.

From the age of 25, collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid are produced in smaller quantities by fibroblasts.
The skin then loses its density, sags and wrinkles and furrows appear.
This skin aging is also accelerated by external factors such as stress, pollution, sun, tobacco.
The Endermolift technique is a mechanical stimulation that reactivates natural anti-aging processes:
Natural activation of the production of support fibers (collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid) for a natural and lasting “lifting” effect. The skin is more resistant to the multiple micro muscle contractions creating wrinkles.
The volumes of the face are recreated and redesigned.
Oxygenation of tissues while boosting microcirculation to even out the complexion.
Stimulation of adipocytes to effectively release fat trapped around the double chin, and to redefine the contours of the oval thanks to its firming action.
Before the intervention, the LPG technique allows the tissues to be prepared and softened to limit side effects and optimize the success of the surgery.
After the procedure, the draining action of the treatment helps to resolve swelling and bruising more quickly.
At the same time, LPG treatment restores suppleness and elasticity to tissues and facilitates healing.
LPG technology allows early and painless intervention on scars.
First of all, the decongestant action on the tissues prevents the appearance of scar adhesions.
Then, the treatment stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin for better healing.
Despite progress in treatments, research and prevention of breast cancer, the management of post-surgery care is still little considered.
This is why LPG is committed to developing specific care protocols for post-breast cancer care to support patients in their physical and psychological reconstruction.
The LPG technique helps to alleviate postoperative symptoms by reducing arm edema and the inflammatory effect, thanks to drainage.
Also, the treatment stimulates microcirculation, activates the production of collagen and elastin to facilitate healing.